IntraHealth 2023 Annual Report

Our Mission

We improve the performance of health workers and strengthen the systems in which they work.

Participants of the 2023 USAID Global Health Local Organization Meeting: West and Central Africa and Beyond, in Accra, Ghana, November 6-9, 2023. Photo by USAID/ASAP II.

At IntraHealth, we believe development is most effective when it is locally owned and locally led.

We partner with ministries of health, local NGOs, local governments, and communities to strengthen their ability to finance, plan, implement, and sustain their own solutions to public health challenges. Since 2019, we’ve been a key contributor to USAID’s efforts to support local partners, including as the lead for the Accelerating Support to Advanced Local Partners (ASAP) and ASAP II projects, helping local entities and government bodies become direct recipients of USAID and PEPFAR funding and grants from other donors. 

  • 6,209

    local partners around the world—including health facilities, governments, businesses, religious leaders, youth advocates, and more—benefitted from IntraHealth’s support

  • 116

    local organizations received capacity-building support from IntraHealth’s programs

  • 40

    local organizations became new prime partners with the US government as a result of IntraHealth’s organizational and technical support

  • 5,390

    attendees benefitted from our Accelerating Support to Advanced Local Partners webinar series, with 18,845 page views of webinar recordings and presentations

Dr. Peris Kariuki, principal of the Kijabe College of Health Sciences in Kenya, visits with nursing students. Photo by Patrick Meinhardt for IntraHealth International.

IntraHealth approaches health workforce development and health systems strengthening holistically—so health workers can provide communities with more comprehensive, people-centered care.

We support countries to make sure skilled, motivated health workers are in the right place at the right time. Our programs work with government bodies, health professional schools, local leaders, and health facilities to:

  • use strong human resources management with data-driven processes
  • improve recruitment, deployment, and retention 
  • provide supportive supervision and mentorship
  • strengthen curricula, instruction, and school policies, including for diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • roll out digital health tools for eLearning and emergency communication.
  • 241,749

    health workers reached

  • 4,253

    health facilities supported to strengthen services

  • 195

    health training institutions partnered with IntraHealth to better educate health workers

A health worker delivers medicine to a client in the pharmacy at an HIV clinic in Guatemala. Photo by Anna Watts for IntraHealth International.
People-Centered Prevention and Care

IntraHealth is committed to achieving an AIDS-free generation by 2030. That’s why we focus on health workers and the systems that support them to expand access to HIV counseling, testing, and treatment and end the epidemic.

Our programs support a range of approaches based on local priorities and contexts, including bringing HIV services and antiretroviral therapy (ART) to hard-to-reach and key populations, preventing mother-to-child transmission, reducing stigma and promoting gender equality in HIV service delivery, applying digital health solutions to improve ART adherence and gather feedback on the quality of services, and strengthening the capacity of local HIV implementing partners.

  • 528,346

    individuals tested for HIV & received test results

  • 106,723

    HIV-positive individuals currently on antiretroviral therapy

  • 92%

    of adult HIV-positive clients on antiretroviral therapy who were tested for viral load achieved suppression

  • 87%

    of adult clients on antiretroviral therapy pick up 3+ months of antiretroviral drugs in one visit to improve adherence 

A health worker in Senegal explains family planning options to a couple. Photo by Clément Tardiff for IntraHealth International.

IntraHealth helps countries provide high-quality family planning services by building the capacity of health workers and local leaders, strengthening health systems, and increasing demand for and access to services.

Our programs work with a wide range of local partners to:

  • Integrate family planning with other services to increase access and improve health system efficiency
  • Catalyze local leadership, organizations, resources, and political will to advance sustainable family planning programming that adapts high-impact practices to local contexts
  • Engage and reach youth and other underserved populations
  • Build a diverse, skilled family planning workforce that provides respectful care.
  • 1,324,591

    years of protection from unwanted pregnancies provided to couples through contraceptives

  • 590,970

    new users of contraception

  • 213,755

    unintended pregnancies averted in 2023 due to contraceptives (estimated)

A health worker helps a client with her newborn in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Photo by Trevor Snapp for IntraHealth International.

IntraHealth partners with governments, civil society, and the private sector to improve the health and well-being of women and children and reduce preventable deaths related to pregnancy and childbirth.

Our approaches revolve around well-trained health workers and cover all levels of care, from expanding safe surgery in hospitals to maintaining essential services in health centers during pandemics to providing community health workers with eLearning and job aids. We support countries to integrate services to make the range of care that women and children need more accessible and efficient.

  • 502,599

    women gave birth in a facility where IntraHealth trained providers

  • 96%

    of babies born in facilities supported by IntraHealth programs breastfed within one hour of birth

  • 94%

    of women giving birth under the care of our programs received uterotonics in the third stage of labor to prevent postpartum hemorrhage

In Senegal, a health worker checks a client's blood pressure. Photo by Clément Tardif for IntraHealth International

IntraHealth works with partner countries to establish the powerful data, effective policies, and well-trained workforces they need to prevent noncommunicable diseases of all kinds.

Through programs like CARDIO4Dakar in Senegal, we work with governments and local partners to prevent and treat diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and cervical cancer. Our approaches engage and extend services into communities, raise awareness through social and behavior change communications and digital technologies, and integrate screening into routine health care.

  • 262,644

    individuals screened for hypertension

  • 14,429

    individuals screened for Type 2 diabetes; 2,657 were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and 100% of those diagnosed were treated

  • 7,718

    newly diagnosed cases of hypertension; 100% of those diagnosed were treated

In Tanzania, HMIS (health management information system) interface on smart phone. Photo by Rashid Hamis Kindamba for IntraHealth International.

From mobile applications to management software, IntraHealth offers health workers and decision-makers the tools and technology they need to do their best work.

Our key approaches to digital health include:

  • Fostering local capacity for and cultures of data use
  • Enabling national and local leaders to make data-driven decisions
  • Creating national health information ecosystems
  • Developing mobile decision-support technologies
  • Expanding access to digital learning.
  • 28

    countries using IntraHealth’s open source iHRIS software to track, manage, and plan their health workforce

  • 21,662

    health workers accessed eLearning packages developed or supported by IntraHealth

  • 106

    new or existing digital health technologies developed and/or implemented by projects

A nurse at the Oshikuku Catholic Hospital in Namibia. Photo by Trevor Snapp for IntraHealth International.

We use data and evidence to advocate with US, global, and national policy-makers to support frontline health workers and promote effective, equitable health systems.

IntraHealth hosts the Frontline Health Workers Coalition (FHWC), the only global alliance advocating for all cadres of health workers, from hospitals to health centers to the last mile. Our work shows the return on investment in health workers, influencing the practices and actions of policy- and other decision-makers to effect lasting impact in global health.

  • 44

    US and international member organizations in 2023, collectively working in 100+ countries

  • 86

    frontline health workers partnered with us, speaking at Coalition events, participating in advocacy campaigns, or serving as regional advisors on advocacy

  • 15.8 million

    people reached on social media with advocacy messages during the annual World Health Worker Week campaign in April 2023