New Directions


A growing movement toward funding local organizations has changed the field of global health and development. IntraHealth believes in the spirit of this movement and the reasons for it. As an international organization with a long history of implementing health programs in low- and middle-income countries, IntraHealth is investing in capacity-building efforts and developing new strategies for demonstrating the value international organizations like ours can offer to local health systems:

  • We aspire to make health programs more sustainable by building local capacity and expertise.
  • We believe that local organizations are better positioned to understand and address the unique health needs and challenges of their communities.
  • We recognize that international organizations can sometimes inadvertently perpetuate power imbalances and undermine local ownership and leadership.
  • We are committed to recruiting local experts, drawing on the expertise of local teams, and investing in building the capacity of our staff around the world.

In fiscal year 2023, we began transforming our structure and functions to place support services and decision-making power closer to the communities where our programs are being implemented. In October 2023 we launched IntraHealth 2030, our strategic roadmap detailing our localization philosophy and transformation agenda. In our new combination with Global Communities, we maintain this 2030 roadmap toward locally led development and regional-based leadership of our programs.


In May 2024, IntraHealth and Global Communities joined forces in a combination that will enable us to multiply our collective impact and better meet the changing needs of the countries we serve. IntraHealth is now a subsidiary of Global Communities, integrating our health programming more deeply across the humanitarian and sustainable development sectors while remaining a steadfast, dependable partner to our donors and collaborators.

The combination brings exciting potential for new growth in IntraHealth’s key areas of expertise—such as health workforce, data science, and local capacity-strengthening—but also in new areas like humanitarian assistance and climate-related health challenges. Our programming and expertise will allow Global Communities to expand and further integrate its international health and humanitarian assistance efforts. Together, we will work to ensure sustainable, locally led development.